Cadillacs and Dinosaurs: The Second Cataclysm

Arcade 1994 Dos SEGA Tales and legends Beat em up Epic

Not from Tim Schaffer though you would think twice, hehe!

Not that Tim Schaffer was in the business of on rail shooters and racers, but the graphical style of this one sort of reminded me of Grim Fandango for some reasons. But, hey, the game works, it's got humor all over and it is just as fun as The House of the Dead, if not even more fun that that one. Because, let's face it, running on rails in a car while choosing your direction, when prompted, while the rest of the time just being in the business of shooting dinosaurs from your Cadillac sure is another kind of fun! Yap, the game is one of those that takes not being serious to a totally new level, making the entire experience a crazed, absolutely demented one! What would Cadillac cars do in the ancient times of the dinosaurs, and who would have built the many roads and interior places that this game sports, again, in the Jurassic age? Well, no time or reason to ask those questions; it's all about the next shooting phase, making sure that you don't get annihilated. Therefore, it's mindless fun, and if that's what you're up for, then also see Cadillacs And Dinosaurs the first as it is just as crazy a game!

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