Peter Pan and Robin Hood Fairy Tale Factory

Puzzle 1989 Dos Dosbox Hi-Tech Expressions Education Cartoon Typing or writing

Produce your own comic strips!

Peter Pan and Robin Hood Fairy Tale Factory is a game in a gameplay style that while not very popular, was pretty wide spread back in the 80s. That gameplay style consisted of bundling together a number of graphical assets, which in this case are characters from Peter Pan and Robin Hood and allowing you to create your own visuals/pictures, just by dropping these characters wherever in frame you saw fit. Why Peter Pan and Robin Hood of all characters and stories? Well, there's not much reason behind it, and really it's a bit ignoble of an idea to mix those two worlds together, and the results could not be anything else but kind of lacking. So, overall, Peter Pan and Robin Hood Fairy Tale Factory is what it is, a rather poor offering, and you'd be hard pressed to find any use with it, other than just wasting time, in no particularly entertaining fashion. But if you like drawing games, this might just be similar enough to those ones, that you'll find it sufficiently entertaining to give it a go.

Games related to Peter Pan and Robin Hood Fairy Tale Factory