Robotron 2084

Arcade 1985 Dos Dosbox Illinois Pirates League Single screen Aliens invasion

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Insanely fun and addictive

I just love it when a game consumes me so much that all my periphery vision gets lost and the only thing that I see are the little game pieces. I don't even think anymore - my whole gameplay becomes acting on reflexes. Robotron 2084 is one of those game. Even though it is very old and extremely simple, it provides a level od addictiveness that is beyond reasonable - beyond healthy even. Definitely for those with daily jobs or chores! The basic gameplay is that you have to fend of waves of incoming enemies and destroy them before they get to you. There are over 200 waves with increasing size and intensity so the game will get progressively faster and harder, almost to the point of impossibility. After a few waves, you will get into it to the point that there won't be anything else in the world except you and the game. The only game that got me that hooked was Zuma, but this game has a fine second place. The graphics are simple and very old school, but with these games doesn't matter. The whole game can be in black and white, if it means that it'll stay this awesome. Even 30 years later, this games rocks the gaming world. It's a must!

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