Air Strike USA

Simulation 1990 Dos Digital Integration Flight Military flight

A good blend of simulation and arcade style build, flight game

Air Strike USA is based on the quality engine known as DI's strong point, their very well polished engine that had been used for pure blood flight simulations. However, the edge of that flight engine are smoothed and have their jagged edges trimmed, to allow the game to be easier to control and, also, to allow this game to play much better. And, honestly, it plays really well, for all intents and purposes, on one hand because the game does not look to be too anal about realism, offering you countless aerial encounters and many more targets to go trigger happy about than what any realist inclined game could afford you. But, all in all, Air Strike USA is a pretty nice game, a pretty easy to learn how to use but at the same time, a game that never is to be taken too seriously. It's not some gem graphically, but it moves well and it controls well with a basic joystick. Play it if you want something a little more exciting than your average Microsoft Flight game. Else, Air Strike can keep you well entertained as long as you don't want realism from it.

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