'Nam 1965-1975

Strategy 1991 Dos Kremlin War Military

A president` and Army chief commander management game

In 'Nam 1965-1975 you will have two different goals; one is rather more PR related, that is played form the perspective of the president of the US, where managing the public perception about the war in Vietnam is your main goal. The second part of the game, played from the perspective of the US military chief, is to prevent the forces of the Vietcong army to take over the Vietnam area that was not occupied; thus 'Nam 1965-1975 is both a military simulation, as well as a management of information (and disinformation!). Both of these portions feed onto one another, yet have their own goals, that have to be well calculated and each side has to make some concessions. As you'd expect, it's a really smart, and really complex game also, yet the way the interfaces are built it's not that hard to learn and to play. You will need some adjustments, at least with the presidential portion of the game, as the warring one is easier to learn, especially for wargamers. So try it and download Shellshock: Nam '67 too, this time for some first person shooting in Nam, from the US perspective.

Games related to 'Nam 1965-1975