Millenium - Return to Earth

Strategy 1989 Dos Dosbox Software Studios Alternate History Trade or management Science Fiction

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NOt good enough to my liking

Not many space strategy games have managed to make some serious impact and same is the case when we talk about this one. The game is fairly average and has not been able to carry the space theme very well. It basically involves space research and technological elements along with a fair amount of strategy that is put into these events. You will be doing research in space for devising and building new technologies that the world can use. Similarly you can also build some very creative and diverse range of ships using your strategy and the availability of different resources. The A1 in the game is quite poor but the presentation of the game is good enough to make you complete the game. Veteran strategy game lovers won't find any fun here because it lacks the much needed diversity and the elements of toughness which they love. You can say its better for those who have just arrived to this genre as it can give them a fair idea. The graphics in the game are also average but the UI is very simple and makes you understand the game very easily. For a more superior experience, try out Red Lightning.

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