Sims in...Paradise!
Afterlife is a sort of sims like game, that has the same build in terms of things you can do with it; you have to build an environment for your inhabitants, but instead of just standing there and watching them make fools of themselves, you get a lot more out of this one; you get the ability to control their lives, to act like a God, challenge them via pests and natural disasters and more. It's a lot of work, really, if you care and if you want your afterlife community to flourish. Yet, you can also be a less caring creature, depending on what you want to do. At any rate, Afterlife is a definitive satire take on Sims, but a well done on, not just a spoof game, done in a shit time and under a budget. Sure, it could have had better organized construction and management windows and menus; at times you can be lost looking for an action to go for; but, else, if you have the patience, you can simulate pretty interesting situations and put your sims to their paces! Now, another point that could have easily been bettered, the scenarios are not that diverse; but you can set your own goals in free play, and you'll find that the game flourishes at that. So, when Sims has run you through its paces, Afterlife can be a good replacement/option!