Fan revamp of Luigi and Spaghetti
Luigi & Spaghetti is a cool game produced exclusively by fans, more of a revamp than a new game, that is almost the same (bug gameplay wise harder) than Luigi & Spaghetti. However, it is a total departure from your classic game of Super Mario, for good or worse. It offers one a truly great adventure/action game with the idea being that Mario's brother has found himself living the life of a circus backdoor helper. So, in the game you will be running and jumping, you will be eliminating enemies by jumping on their heads, and you will also be engaging in some other types of gameplay, mainly puzzles, rather classic, and based still on the world of the game, with jumping and other such activities; that is, you won't have a different screen for these puzzles. But graphically, it all works fine, has a beautiful cartoonish feel to it, and, compared to the Spaghetti original, it is a little more demanding and a little harder to play. So, if you like weirdo games in the same universe as Mario, it will surely offer you a fine, well made, sort of arcade, sidescrolling adventure.