Electric Crayon Deluxe: At the Zoo

Puzzle 1989 Dos Brian A. Rice Education Animals

It's colouring time!

Picture the scene: it's a wet Sunday afternoon, there's nothing on the telly, you've lost all the pieces to the jigsaws and the kids are getting fractious. Imagine too that they're into old-school gaming and that they like colouring things in. Well, here's the solution: fire up an Electric Crayon game. There's a huge range to choose from, including Electric Crayon: This Land is Your Land, Dinos are Forever, Fun on the Farm and of course this one. At the Zoo is similar to its brethren, in that it is basically a big electronic colouring book. You are presented with a rather dull picture of a zoo-themed scene and then it's your job to turn it into a wonderfully colourful masterpiece. This is achieved using the extremely simple interface which allows you to pick from a decent range of colours (or mix up your own) and then simply click on your desired area and watch as it is filled in. There are thirty pictures to choose from here, featuring such favourites as elephants, crocodiles and so on, all of which have some nice backdrops to fit into the zoo theme. Each picture has a brie description, adding a tiny amount of educational content while you also have options for adding in calendars, messages and banners to your pictures. As far as electronic colouring books go, this is certainly no better or worse than many others on the market. It's all very easy to get into, thanks to the slick interface, while the pictures are quite charming and offer plenty of colouring fun. There are certainly worse ways to wile away a wet weekend.

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