List of games released between 1985 and 1989
Showing 1 to 30 of 1583 games - sorted by popularity
Wings of Fury (1987)
Prince of Persia (1989)
Test Drive 2 (1989)
Contra (1987)
Bureaucracy (1987)
Test Drive (1987)
Operation Wolf (1988)
Budokan (1989)
Castlevania (1986)
Metal Gear (1987)
SimCity (1989)
Life and Death (1988)
Rush 'n Attack (1986)
Gold of the Americas (1989)
Shogun (1986)
Prohibition (1987)
Xenon 2 Megablast (1989)
Grand Prix Circuit (1988)
Uridium (1986)
EGA Bomb (1988)
Master Ninja: Shadow Warriors of Death (1986)
Bloodwych (1989)
Populous (1989)
Ghostbusters 2 (1989)
Mean 18 (1986)
Barbarian 2 (1989)
Starglider 2 (1988)
Alice in Wonderland (1989)
Populous: The Promised Lands (1989)
Army Moves (1986)