Space Rogue

Simulation 1989 Dos Dosbox ORIGIN Systems Flight Space combat Action Rpg Sci fi

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Trade or go rogue!

Space Rogue is very complete game where you will play elements of role, trading, space simulation and adventure. Let's start by the base idea of the game. You're a merchant commanding a spaceship and you will have to trade stuff around different planets. So, you purchase some good at a price on a planet and you must try to sell at a better price in a different planet. Then, when you approach the planet itself you will have to pilot your spaceship in order to land and be able to run those business. You can even talk to other characters and get precious information about what is going on in this dimension. An interesting stuff is the possibility to engage in combat when you are nearby another spaceship. You decide to go rogue and pirate the spaceship (not before a spaceship battle that will test your sim-flying ability) or you let it be and do your honest trades. Depending on your choices your reputation will change, of course! Then, you can even enter in other dimensions by crossing some sort of wormhole portals. Also here, watch out and be a good pilot. Taking in consideration this game was developed in 80s, we must say it's pure gold as it will be still able to entertain you!

RPG/strategy/sim, a precursor to 4x type games

Although Elite had already been developed before this game was released, Space Rogue doesn't take it as its principal model. Space Rogue takes its own stab at the type of economic, strategic and simulation game that will later merge into the 4x genre. However Space Rogue tries to tell a story and to be rather more arcade in its approach, to make things easier for the player. Also, Space Rogue seems to want to put more emphasis on the story, both in game but also as its premise, At any rate, what you're left with is a good enough space flight game, with rather choppy but good enough physics while an entire list of separate elements are offered to you to keep you moving forward and to diversify the gameplay unilaterally. So, if you're looking for a classic arcade space shooter, with flavor gameplay elements that are more diverse than a barebones 2D space shooter, then Space Rogue can fill the gap pretty comfortably. Don't think that you're going to be in for a long lived experience though, the games shows its age after a few short hours, so, if you're looking for a game to dedicate a lot to, this won't be it.

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