High Command: Europe 1939-1945

Strategy 1992 Dos Colorado Computer Creations World Wars

Ok Axis and Allies wargame

What High Command: Europe 1939-1945 gets right is the interplay of air, land and sea tactics, corroborated to make the most out of the game's high level encounters. Therefore, if you manage to get past the rather poor but functional graphics, you can sink yourself in the highly correct and historically accurate battles, from the perspective of the axis or that of the allies. Furthermore, the game won't tire you with a too accurate portrayal of lesser strategic elements. Your sole tactic will have to do with the manner in which your economic options, largely based on supply chains being set properly, can lead to a strategic advantage over your enemies. The WWI limitations of all three types of military intervention are also very well captured by the game's engine, and the turn based combat feels very well caught in the picture. So, ultimately, all the game asks of you is that you don't ask for a very well drawn depiction of the tabletop world, but otherwise it offers lots of in depth options, without going overboard with the details. Try it if you're interested in a wargame that won't treat you to the best graphics out there, but is still capable of offering enough diversity.

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