Postman Pat III

Arcade 1992 Dos Dosbox Alternative Cartoon

The Paperboy of the DOS

My first paper route was done on the Gameboy with a cartridge with arcade game Paperboy, and, truth be told, that one game was sooo hard! It took a lot to memorize whom you had to give the newspapers too, and plus, you had to avoid the never ending obstacles of the modern city and the occasional out of the city portions. But it was also a very small game. Later on, I would stumble upon the Postman Pat series which took the same paper round ideas but dressed them in a bit of a more enticing game. For a change, the world is now seen from a perfect top down perspective, which is much more satisfying and much more enticing to play. Sure enough, the game has a lot more going on for itself because of this perspective shift, as it surely goes further into it, and allows you to drop your papers, your packages and everything else much better. It's, if you will, a GTA game where you're not a law breaker, but an honest postman! And, while not as glamorous, it sure plays nice and offers you lots of missions. I definitely recommend it.

Games related to Postman Pat III