List of games tagged as "tales and legends"
Showing 1 to 30 of 80 games - sorted by popularity
Super Mario Bros (1994)
Prince of Persia (1989)
Robin Hood - The Legend Of Sherwood (2002)
The Curse of Monkey Island (1997)
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge (1991)
Elvira: Mistress Of The Dark (1990)
King's Quest (1984)
King's Quest 7: The Princeless Bride (1994)
4D Prince of Persia (1994)
Jill of the Jungle (1992)
Nomad (1993)
King's Quest 5 (1990)
Below The Root (1984)
Aaargh! (1988)
221B Baker Street (1986)
Journey to the Center of the Earth (2003)
Maniac Mansion (1989)
Matterhorn Screamer! (1988)
The Secret of Monkey Island (1990)
Sam & Max Hit the Road (1993)
Broken Sword (1996)
Space Quest 2 - Vohaul's Revenge (1987)
Colorado (1990)
Lost Dutchman's Mine (1989)
Indiana Jones in Revenge of the Ancients (1987)
Space Quest 1: Roger Wilco in the Sarien Encounter (1991)
Sint Nicolaas (1998)
The Flintstones: Dino Lost in Bedrock (1990)
Prophecy: the Fall of Trinadon (1989)
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs: The Second Cataclysm (1994)