List of games tagged as "science fiction"
Showing 1 to 30 of 540 games - sorted by popularity
Another Lifeless Planet and Me With No Beer (1989)
Halo: Combat Evolved (2001)
Platypus (2002)
Red Faction 2 (2002)
Star Trek: First Contact (1988)
Portal (1986)
Dune 3 (1994)
Astro Dodge (1982)
Prowler (1987)
Star Rangers (1995)
Dune (1992)
Metal Fatigue (2000)
Dark Reign 2 (2000)
Forsaken (1998)
Darkseed (1992)
Codename: Outbreak (2001)
Space Crusade (1992)
Darkseed 2 (1995)
Rotor (1989)
Noggin Knocker 2 (1996)
X-COM: Terror from the Deep (1995)
Time Commando (1996)
Bedlam (1996)
Captain Blood (1988)
Hard Nova (1990)
BattleTech - The Crescent Hawks Inception (1988)
Omnicron Conspiracy (1989)
The Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time (1998)
Avalon (1998)
Treasure Planet: Battle at Procyon (2002)