List of games developed or published by "avalon hill"
Showing 1 to 27 of 27 games - sorted by popularity
5th Fleet (1994)
Flight Commander 2 (1995)
Pro manager (1984)
RAM (1985)
Dr Ruth' s Game of Sex (1986)
1830 Railroads & Robber Barons (1995)
Wooden Ships & Iron Men (1996)
Computer Acquire (1991)
World at War: Stalingrad (1994)
Under Fire! (1985)
Stocks And Bonds (1982)
Incunabula (1984)
Third Reich (1996)
Computer Diplomacy (1984)
Telengard (1985)
Andromeda Conquest (1982)
Galaxy (1981)
Advanced Civilization (1995)
B-1 Nuclear Bomber (1981)
Circus Maximus (1984)
Over the Reich (1996)
Hitler's War (2004)
Dune Emulator, The (2003)
Achtung Spitfire! (1997)
World at War series (1994)
Super Football Sunday - Super Sunday (1985)
The Civil War (1987)