List of games developed or published by "avalon hill"
Showing 1 to 27 of 27 games - sorted by popularity
Flight Commander 2 (1995)
Third Reich (1996)
Advanced Civilization (1995)
Computer Diplomacy (1984)
B-1 Nuclear Bomber (1981)
Pro manager (1984)
Stocks And Bonds (1982)
Andromeda Conquest (1982)
World at War: Stalingrad (1994)
Galaxy (1981)
Dr Ruth' s Game of Sex (1986)
1830 Railroads & Robber Barons (1995)
5th Fleet (1994)
Telengard (1985)
Wooden Ships & Iron Men (1996)
Under Fire! (1985)
Computer Acquire (1991)
Circus Maximus (1984)
Incunabula (1984)
RAM (1985)
Achtung Spitfire! (1997)
Over the Reich (1996)
World at War series (1994)
Dune Emulator, The (2003)
Hitler's War (2004)
Super Football Sunday - Super Sunday (1985)
The Civil War (1987)