List of games tagged as "puzzle based"
Showing 31 to 60 of 360 games - sorted by popularity
Solomon's Key (1988)
Super Nibbly (1993)
Penthouse Jigsaw (1991)
Timelapse (1996)
Cadaver (1990)
Alley Cat (1984)
Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine (1999)
Castle Adventure (1984)
Clans (1999)
Get the Girl! (1994)
Spy Fox in "Dry Cereal" (1997)
Nancy Drew: The Final Scene (2001)
Little Big Adventure 2 (1997)
Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus (1998)
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee (1997)
Bumpy's Arcade Fantasy (1992)
Chasm: The Rift (1997)
Harvester (1996)
The Queen of Tenshindo '95 - Yan Yan 2 (1995)
Montezuma's Revenge (1984)
Biing (1995)
Zork Nemesis: The Forbidden Lands (1996)
Tintin: Prisoners of the Sun (1996)
Tank Wars 3.0 (1990)
Lighthouse: The Dark Being (1996)
Bomb'X (1993)
Sleepwalker (1993)
Rick Dangerous (1989)
Astrotit (1987)
Impossible Mission 2 (1988)