List of games tagged as "fantasy"
Showing 31 to 60 of 536 games - sorted by popularity
Ultima 7: the Black Gate (1992)
Warcraft (1994)
Ultima 8 (1994)
The Legend of Zelda (2001)
Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned Rat (1996)
Heroes of Might and Magic 3 (1999)
Lands of Lore 3 (1999)
Magic Carpet plus (1995)
Revenant (1999)
Rage of Mages (1998)
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (2003)
Hillsfar (1989)
Rogue: the Adventure Game (1984)
The Summoning (1992)
Heroes of Might and Magic 4 (2002)
Phantasie 3 (1987)
Crusaders of Might and Magic (1999)
Might and Magic 7: For Blood and Honor (1999)
Shadow Sorcerer (1991)
Abandoned Places (1992)
Spirit of Adventure (1991)
Heroes Chronicles: The Final Chapters (2001)
Might and Magic: Swords of Xeen (1995)
Keys to Maramon, The (1990)
Darkspyre (1990)
Knight Shift (2003)
Dark Designs II: Closing the Gate (1990)
Warcraft 2 (1995)
Dungeon Keeper Gold (1998)
Warhammer Epic 40,000: Final Liberation (1997)