List of games released in 1983
Showing 31 to 60 of 110 games - sorted by popularity
Big Top (1983)
Battle for Midway - Midway Campaign (1983)
Pengo (1983)
Moon Bugs (1983)
The Witness (1983)
Adventures in Math (1983)
Mine Shaft (1983)
Knights of The Desert (1983)
Sailing (1983)
Forbidden quest (1983)
Freddy Fish (1983)
Sargon III (1983)
Fleet Sweep (1983)
DigDug (1983)
Moon Patrol (1983)
Planetfall (1983)
The Hobbit (1983)
The Civil War (1983)
Miner 2049er (1983)
Star Wars (1983)
Defender (1983)
Zork 2 - The Wizard of Frobozz (1983)
Calixto Island (1983)
Beneath Apple Manor (1983)
Pipes (1983)
Star Trek (1983)
Bert the Snake (1983)
Chuckie Egg (1983)
Sea Dragon (1983)
Oil Barons (1983)