List of games developed or published by "microprose "
Showing 31 to 60 of 104 games - sorted by popularity
BloodNet (1993)
Subwar 2050 (1993)
Dragonsphere (1994)
Formula 1 Grand Prix 2 (1995)
X-COM: Apocalypse (1997)
Colonization (1994)
CivNet (1993)
Gunship 2000 (1991)
F-15 Strike Eagle III (1992)
Master of Orion (1993)
F19 - Stealth Fighter (1987)
Fields of Glory (1993)
Knights of the Sky (1990)
Task Force 1942 (1992)
M1 Tank Platoon (1989)
Ancient Art of War in the Skies (1992)
Return of the Phantom (1993)
Lightspeed (1990)
Harrier Jump Jet (1992)
Challenge of the Five Realms (1992)
Chess Maniac 5 Billion and One (1993)
Track Attack (1996)
Ultimate NFL Coaches Club Football (1994)
The Legacy (1993)
Falcon Gold (1994)
Transport Tycoon on Mars (1995)
National Lampoons Chess Maniac Five Billion and One (1993)
Spitfire Ace (1984)
Virtual Karts (1995)
Ufo: Enemy Unknown (1994)